
Well. It’s been a few years since I’ve blogged…

Probably no one reading this will have ever read one of my previous blog posts. My last regular blog writing happened on an older, nearly dead platform, and I haven’t touched it since college. I wrote mostly in the form of a personal diary, too—of interest almost solely to myself—and dabbled in the occasional fan fiction.

It was all good practice. All writing is good. But what to do now, with a very different blog?

A proper introduction, perhaps? Hello! My name is Erin, and I’m a writer. I’d like to welcome you to my official website and, if you’re interested, a new blog where I will jot down whatever seems to fit here. It will probably be a mix of news and personal thoughts, but who knows… I might feel the urge to discuss writing craft, rant about some obscure historical event, or even share some free fiction. Stick around, and let’s find out together.


On history, manifestation, and the Gaithersburg Book Festival.